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New York (page 7)

Union Square:  

Broadway & 14th St. Relaxing park in Greenwich Village. Check the  farmers market on weekends.


United Nations:

1st Ave. & 46th St. Officially an "international zone," the U.N. Headquarters is a symbol of global cooperation. Guided tours daily ($8.50 adults)

Washington Square Park:

5th Ave. and 7th St. Villages' main park shared by NYU students, street musicians, skateboarders, jugglers, stand-up comics, joggers, chess players, and bench warmers, watching the grand opera of it all. At the square's north end,  stands the triumphal Washington Memorial Arch.


World Trade Center: 

The twin towers were the tallest buildings in New York City and two of the tallest in the world. On that fateful day of September11th, 2001, hijacked jetliners rammed into the towers, toppling them and destroying the complex's other five buildings. About 2,900 people lost their lives.

We will never forget these people and our Twin Towers.


World Trade Center Sphere:

Bowling Green. This sculpture stood in the plaza of the World Trade Center for three decades as a symbol of world peace. It was damaged during the tragic events of September 11, 2001 but endures as an icon of hope and serves as a memorial to the lives lost that day. The eternal flame was ignited on September 11, 2002. 

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